Trimming Question

Peter Pennisi at
Sun Aug 17 14:33:28 AKDT 2003

I would like some suggestions to overcome a trimming problem I have with
my current F3A model.
The model pulls to canopy on vertical dives as well as vertical climbs
Currently I have an electronic mix to overcome this problem but this is
starting to get in the way on some manoeuvres.
Model trimmed for hands off level flight.

*	CG is about correct. Any more further back model becomes nervous
in wind and harder to snap - difficult to control exit.
*	Model fly's with "NO" elevator trim.
*	Model feel's about right inverted. A small amount of down
elevator required to maintain level.
*	1-2 degrees of down thrust.

Can this be overcome by changing wing incidence or will screw up
something else.
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