Power outage in NY city and state.

Bob Kane getterflash at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 15 12:53:17 AKDT 2003

We just got our power back, slightly less than 24 hours after it went out. Our town has its own power plant, but it did not help. Seems it has been so long since they had to do a "black" start, the auxillary generators required to do so would not run. no one had checked them.  
We had water, our town also has its own water treatment facility and storage tower. But, we host a large waste treatment plant serving a large part of the Detroit Metropolitan area, and its backup generators also did not function. Some thunderstorms came through this morning and at 10:00AM the place was nearly full with no power to process the waste. So in spite of having water, we were strongly encouraged not to use it. 
I'm sure the city council meeting will be hopping Monday night.

"Atwood, Mark" <atwoodm at paragon-inc.com> wrote:
Forget gas...we need water. I'd love to know why our local independant TV station has the forethought to have redundant generators, so we can all watch summer reruns on our propane powered TV's...but our utility company...who by the way has the convenience of sitting on the largest fresh water supply on the face of the planet, doesn't have a generator to pump it with. EEEERRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!

Mark...dry in Cleveland.

-----Original Message-----
From: Del Rykert [mailto:drykert at rochester.rr.com]
Sent: Fri 8/15/2003 1:01 AM
To: discussion at nsrca.org
Subject: Re: Power outage in NY city and state.

Powers is back on here at 9:30p. Looks like we can make Glen after all. Gas was going to be an issue. 

Del K. Rykert
AMA - 8928 
NSRCA - 473
Kb2joi - General 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Henderson,Eric 
To: discussion at nsrca.org 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 6:05 PM
Subject: Power outage in NY city and state.

OK - would all of you guys who started charging up their mega-jillion watt Li-poly's when Jason placed so highly in the worlds, - PLEASE TURN THEM OFF - NY NEEDS THE POWER BACK ASAP.......


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Bob Kane
getterflash at yahoo.com

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