Electric Pattern Planes........

Ron Van Putte vanputte at nuc.net
Fri Aug 15 09:09:24 AKDT 2003

Greg DeLuca wrote:

>It seems like more and more people are inquiring about electrics, including myself.  It's jsut a matter of time until I get one.  Mainly trying to decide on a plane and then get the necessary info on the electric components.  Am leaning towards a rhapsody, but also considering several
>others.  Just wish it was easier to get more info faster.

You might like to look into the AirBorne Models web site.  They market 
some very nice airplanes and have conversion information on their web 
site.  Just scroll down to 'electric conversion'.  The 'street price' 
for their kits is 20%+ off.
Check here: http://www.airborne-models.com/

Ron Van Putte


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