The value of noise

Rick Wallace rickwallace45 at
Mon Aug 11 17:49:34 AKDT 2003

Ed - 

I really really liked your trim pass at the last contest! Stylin'! 



-----Original Message-----
From: discussion-request at [mailto:discussion-request at]
On Behalf Of Ed Miller
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 5:04 PM
To: discussion at
Subject: Re: The value of noise


There is a valid point here. Back in the old days, 15,000 rpm Rossi's
and YS 60's powered 150mph Banshee's, etc. were and still are damn
exciting. Personally I can't describe the current crop of quiet "bumble
bees on steroids" winged "guppies" exciting. Sound is part of the
overall experience, adds another sense to the equation. Do I want to go
back to 110db ?? Not personally. Do I favor 150mph "trim passes", YOU
BET !!!

At one time Pattern was always at the bleeding edge of technology. In
some cases Pattern still is, it just lost some emotional appeal along
the way. We got to pay more for less, the new American way. : )

Ed M.

----- Original Message ----- 

From: mike mueller <mailto:mups1953 at>  

To: discussion at 

Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 4:34 PM

Subject: The value of noise


 I just want to see what others think. I for one love noise maybe it has
to do with growing up listening to hard rock music or something. What
would Nascar be with near silent cars, or how about John Force running
at 300 MPH quietly? Would the Blue Angels be exciting if they didn't
roar? Same goes with my planes, I like loud, it sounds cool and it adds
to the excitement. Why do you think that IMAC type planes appeal to
many? I know we have sound restrictions and all but I can't help the
fact that I get turned on by the roar of an engine. I wonder if the new
more "PC" electric revolution will be as exciting for spectators and
participants alike.But hey it's just my opinion I could be wrong. Mike


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