
Jerry Stebbins JAStebbins at worldnet.att.net
Wed Aug 6 08:48:55 AKDT 2003

    I have read all the discussions/personal opinions/philosophies, and everyone is having fun. But --that's all it is--. There is NO rule on this, those who know Jason know he would not jeprodize winning for a "show and tell", and no sponsorship coercion has been shown. Even Tony called the planes performance "awesome". Why is everyone being so cynical? Seems like most believe that they should have some right to control what someone else is doing, even though most do not even have a vested interest, BECAUSE THEY JUST DO NOT THINK IT IS RIGHT!.(Based on mostly hearsay, and NO input from Jason )
    Read the rules first, then get HIS rationale, then HIS "reasons" then lets be objective about all this, with first hand information,not opinion. 
    What would your answer be if a hot pilot with a old Jekyll that was all he could afford, won a place on the team. Then someone let him fly a new plane designed  for the current maneuvers, and he was immediately better. Would you be questioning, in the same way, his/ others trying to help, motives/reasons/ for wanting him to compete with better equipment? I think not! Most of us would be falling all over ourselves to help him get the best stuff !
    I just went through something similar at a contest where someone protested a pilot switching back and forth between planes during the event. Got several different "authoritative" opinions, some saying he "could not switch", one said he "could only have two planes", another said "he must fly the last one for the remainder of the contest"  GUESS WHAT. They were all WRONG ! The AMA rule book is very clear, once you dig through all of it, that he could do whatever he wanted as long as he displayed his AMA number on the planes, and this was confirmed by the NSRCA Rules Committee.
    So much for opinions, 'cause that is all they were!
No flame suit--none needed--
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