Best battery choice? + Current Draw used per flight

Brian Young b4598070 at
Mon Apr 14 05:09:30 AKDT 2003

I found I wasnt getting the capacity I thought I
should w/ my 1800 mah 6 cell flight pack. After two
masters sequences I recharged and put back in 600mah
(triton charger), pack was topped up prior to flight. 

So back home, I put a current meter between the
battery and receiver. I draw about 90 mA with all
servos connected, each servo unplugged the total drops
by 15 mA, except for the throttle which drops 10 mA.
Wiggle the sticks and I can occasionally get over 300
mah. This didnt seem unusual to me, anyone disagree? 

So I left the meter in place and started the plane, at
idle the meter was reading 3 Amps, yep 3. Has anyone
else done this? 

I move the trottle off idle a little and the current
drops to about 2-2.5 Amps, so my throttle servo is
bottoming a bit.

3 Amps in this gauge wire seems like it should be
getting something hot, but I hooked the multimeter up
in series with my battery just like I learned in

The servos are all digital JRs with over one season
use, except I did replace the Aileron servos w/ new
yesterday but havent had a chance to repeat my test.
All thoughts on what could be causing this are
appreciated. Otherwise a 4000 mah flight pack is
looking good to me. Is there any reason a worn servo
would draw more current? 


--- Dean Pappas <d.pappas at> wrote:
> There are plenty of us nicad stalwarts!
> Mark, I agree with your reliability/convenience
> assessment.
> My 5-cell SR 1000 mAH is good for better than 5
> flights, as I have
> repeatedly measured the consumption of a
> all-digitals practice flight at 145 mAH.
> I'm considering going to a 500 pack and after every
> flight top-ups with the Sirius.
> That gets the weight to the point where any
> disadvantage to the nicad is, in my opinion,
> greatly outweighed by their reliability.
> Dean pappas 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Atwood, Mark [mailto:atwoodm at]
> Sent: Friday, April 11, 2003 10:22 AM
> To: discussion at
> Subject: RE: Best battery choice?
> Lol....ok Anthony...then there's two of us flying
> Nicads.  I use some of the newer technologies for my
> electrics, but with regard to Pattern, the new
> batteries appear to fix problems I don't have.  I
> run a 5cell 6v 1400mah nicad pack.  I personally
> haven't heard an argument that even comes close to
> making me want to change. 
> Cost/reliability/convenience all seem to favor
> Nicads.  The only one against it is weight.  And
> from my perspective, if I need that ounce...I have
> bigger problems.   Just my .02...I'd love to hear
> others opinions on the subject...
> mark
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	AAbdu at [mailto:AAbdu at] 
> Sent:	Friday, April 11, 2003 10:00 AM
> To:	discussion at
> Subject:	Best battery choice?
> It seems like every month a new battery technology
> is introduced. NiMh, Lithium ion, NiCad etc. Each
> one claiming to be better than the last. It seems
> like I am the last pattern flyer still using old
> familiar, heavy, memory burdoned NiCads. I am
> considering investing in updated batteries and all
> of the other things needed to maintain them. I have
> accepted that I will need not only the battery, but
> a new charger, regulator, and all the other fixins.
> Given that condition, what is the latest info pro
> and con on the new battery technology. I know there
> was an availability issue with the duralites that
> has seemed to be resolved, then I remembered hearing
> something about them overheating or blowing up or
> spontaneously combusting or something. My point is,
> there is a lot of misinformation out there and I am
> trying to find out what works best from those who
> use it. 
> In order of importance of features:
> 1. Reliability
> 2. Weight (lighter is better)
> 3. Capacity, can I get 5 flights on them, can they
> be quick  charged?
> 4. Durability / margin of error / expected life
> span. If I leave the RX on do I have to replace
> them?
> 5. Price
> 6. Availibility  
> I appreciate any information you guys can provide.
> Thank you.
> Anthony
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Brian Young
b4598070 at

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