More on 40/60/90 Pattern

hatfield randy10926 at
Fri Sep 6 07:42:18 AKDT 2002

I am using a Saito 72 in a GP Venus 40.  I fly intermediate.  The power is
sufficient but the full roll does take a lot of stream of out the vertical.  I
had a Tracer Kit lying around, so I am building to use with the saito 72.  It
will be my other plane, as I have a Focus also ( as soon as I replace the
engine mount).

I was thinking of building a 25% enlargement of the tracer to go with a OS
1.20 Surpass II pumper I have laying around.  But that is probably a winter

Randy Hatfield

On Fri, 6 Sep 2002 08:00:04 EDT mrstev0922 at wrote:

> Jean,...
> In your post, you mentioned building a plane
> for your Saito 72.  I just 
> wanted to offer you my experiences with this
> very same engine.
> >
> This past year I flew a modified Tower 40 Kaos
> powered by the Saito 72 in 
> Intermediate category.  I built the plane as
> light as possible with 
> Retracts!!  Even with retracts my plane only
> weighed 5 1/2 pounds.  I didn't 
> use any lite ply in the plane at all.  I made a
> balsa/fiberglass laminate for 
> fuselage doublers and formers.  I also replaced
> all the kit wood with light 
> weight contest grade balsa.
> Anyway,... with wing span of 56 inches and a
> wing area of around 545 squares 
> I thought the plane had all the power in the
> world.  However those who 
> watched it fly and judged me at contest thought
> the plane was still 
> underpowered and struggled in the vertical. 
> Don't get me wrong,... the plane 
> would go vertical forever, but to do a full
> roll in a stall turn or any 
> vertical manuver and still have power to "cap
> off the top" was asking a bit 
> much.
> My gut reaction to the plane you proposed for
> your Saito 72 is its too big 
> for that engine if you are going to compete
> competitvely with it, especially 
> in Advanced!!  For what it worth, that's just
> my opinoin.  A lightly built 
> Tracer (five pounds or less) would be awesome
> with this engine as the 
> airframe is a bit smaller and you'd have gobs
> of extra power for the top of 
> tall vertical manuvers.
> Sincerely,
> Steve Teerlinck
> Monson, Massachusetts
> =====================================
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