Masters 2005 Options

glenn hatfield randy10926 at
Thu Oct 24 11:44:47 AKDT 2002

I second the motion. 

----- Original Message -----
From: Lee Davis <lee at>
Date: Thursday, October 24, 2002 3:33 pm
Subject: Re: Masters 2005 Options

> I think it is *very* important for NSRCA to provide input to AMA 
> for rules
> and flight routines.  It is the one and only voice for Pattern 
> pilots as a
> group.
> There was an announcement and time given months ago for anyone to 
> submitroutines for Masters on this very list.  A number of them 
> were discussed
> right here.
> If someone wants to submit something else now, have at it, it's 
> your right,
> but no one was excluded from the process of the current submission 
> fromNSRCA.
> Ron, perhaps if you bothered to join NSRCA you would see the vast
> improvements made over the last several years to reach out and 
> promote to
> the R/C modeling public at large.  I have the nothing but praise 
> for the
> recent administration and staff.  I'm trying to say something that 
> doesn'tcome of as rude or petty, but Monday morning quarterbacks 
> comes to mind.
> It's easy to criticize from the sidelines.
> Lee Davis
> Piedmont Models
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Williams, Ron" <rwilliams at>
> To: <discussion at>
> Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 2:37 PM
> Subject: RE: Masters 2005 Options
> > I try to stay out of this type of discussion and just fly 
> pattern.  That
> is why you most likely have never seen my name post here.  I have 
> followedthis list for several years and could not keep quit any 
> longer.  I want to
> thank Troy for saying publicly what I feel several people are saying
> privately.  I am one of the people who are no longer a current 
> member of the
> NSRCA but do fly pattern, attend several contests a year and 
> belong to the
> AMA.  Troy is correct.  The goal of the NSRCA is to promote the 
> future of RC
> Aerobatics.  This is not what I feel has been the focus the last 
> few years.
> The last time the patterns were changed a back room deal was made 
> by the
> leadership of the NSRCA to change the membership-approved 
> patterns.  The
> explanation was that it had to be done or it would not have 
> passed.  To me
> this was an insult to anyone flying in that class that our 
> leadership agreed
> with.  There are several times on that comments are made on this list
> stating that people like myself who do not belong to the NSRCA 
> should have
> no say in the future direction.  No wonder people think we feel we are
> better than everyone else.
> >
> > I agree with Troy, anyone who belongs to the AMA should be able 
> to present
> a set of maneuvers to the AMA for approval.   The current 
> president of the
> NSRCA going on a public list chastising this individual for doing 
> this is
> wrong.  We need to promote the hobby to new people not promote 
> personalagendas.  Our local area is also growing like Troy 
> mentions his is.  I can
> also tell you that most of them have no idea who the NSRCA is or 
> care.  They
> are AMA members who want to fly aerobatics.  Hopefully the NSRCA 
> will soon
> return to better times and we can begin to promote the hobby not 
> try to take
> it over.  I agree, our future is bright and all the new equipment 
> keepsmaking it better.
> >
> > This message is not intended to upset anyone or is it intended 
> to be a
> personal attack on anyone.  I hope it does not come across as 
> such.  It is
> just my opinion.
> >
> > Ron Williams
> =====================================
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