[Fwd: AA in Northern VA?]

Ron Sonderegger ronsond at erols.com
Wed Nov 27 03:03:14 AKST 2002

Subject:AA in Northern VA?
    Date:Tue, 26 Nov 2002 23:23:15 -0500
   From:"don szczur" <dszczur at maranatha.net>
      To:"Ron Sonderegger" <ronsond at erols.com>

Ron, if you could post on the NSRCA list, not able to access the sign up
for some reason.

Any interest in a Pattern / Artistic Aerobatics contest in April of next

Idea is one day for the pattern classes and the next day for AA.
Allowing any plane within the rules, but encouraging a lot of the
smaller 3D planes out there that are currently flying at our local
fields.  I think there are some real nice flying planes and pilots
wanting to fly this kind of competition with them.  Your thoughts?

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