Weight is not the issue!

GeorgeF. av8tor at flash.net
Mon Nov 18 10:02:38 AKST 2002

>Back to costs. You have read some of my earlier comments but just because
>I can justify the expense now does not mean I always could. For many
>years I flew Bridi XLTs. One was scratch built. Then I got a good deal on
>an Atlanta, and flew it for 2 years. That was followed by a Conquest IV.
>It was only 2 years ago that I finally moved up to a 4 stroke plane. It
>was one I bought from a fellow club member who had it in his basement for
>nearly 4 years. It took me another 2 years to get it built. Therefore, it
>was about 5 years "out of date", but I got a good deal on it.

Not everyone who  enters into pattern does it for just the fun of it, if 
that were the case there are many "fun-flies" to go to.     Winning is a 
large part of the fun for the three people I was referring to.  Yes, you 
can go and fly cheaper outdated equipment such as Bridi XLTs and 
Atlantas.   I know the equipment you were flying in those days and I'm sure 
you had fun.  But the question was this "were you winning with the outdated 
lessor expensive equipment?"

Personally cost isn't an issue for me, if I wanted to I could spend as much 
money needed to have 2-4 top of the line pattern planes.  However that 
isn't the issue, the real issue is that because of the much higher cost to 
compete verses "boring" holes in the sky is what is killing the sport of 
Pattern competition.


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