AMA rules-weight, gasers?
Koenig, Tom
Tom.Koenig at
Wed Nov 13 15:21:16 AKST 2002
Hi all,
As most of you know I'm down here in Australia. I've been reading all your
posts regarding weight limits etc etc. The discussion seems to be quite
tiring to be honest.
I dont understand something the 5 kg limit also one of your AMA
This just isn't an issue down here unless you want to fly FAI class.
Our governing body is the MAAA, we have a 7 kg weight limit, aircraft over
7kg must be inspected by a certified inspector before they are issued a
certificate/ cleared to fly. This covers many aspects, construction etc.
In pattern, we apply the 5 kg limit, 2 x 2, for FAI only....the other
classes it just isn't an issue. They can fly what they like, it just so
happens that in all the years, I have yet to see even a newbie turn up with
something monstrous.
They tend to show up with 60 size planes, 40's even 20's and occasionally
you get one with all the bells and whistles, 2 x 2.
This issue was dead and buried down here years ago.
I just Co-CD'd our State champs and we had 40 entries, 11 or 12 in FAI, the
rest spread pretty evenly across the remaining three classes. This was with
up to 10 regulars absent!!! Pattern is alive and kicking down here, but I
must admit we have had our lulls as well.
Now I find it interesting about the gaser developments you guys are talking
about. Correct me if I'm wrong as I dont have access to my FAI rule book
here...but Gassers are not permitted in the FAI rule book, I thought it
states somewhere about Methanol only in the F3A section??
So again...this is FAI only..or is this issue going to be a problem for the
American market, what are your AMA rules on this??
Just be aware guys, you could be flogging a dead horse here too, the FAI is
a world wide organisation, the US has one vote, just like the rest of the
member countries.
I cannot however see a reason why your AMA cannot define its own rules to
cover its members for its market/ what you like for all other
classes, but if you wanna play FAI, you gota play with the rest of the
world, simple as that.
Hope I didn't offend anyone, I just dont see what the problem is ( I am
however unaware of your AMA rules)
Canberra - Australia
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