Weight Limit-really marketing/popularity/etc

Gray E Fowler gfowler at raytheon.com
Tue Nov 12 10:24:17 AKST 2002

Like Buddy mentioned its the magazines, not some concerted effort by IMAC 
to market sportsman. I do not believe I have ever seen anything from IMAC, 
but every model mag has either a scale warbird OR a scale .40 IMAC plane 
on the cover. Real IMAC planes are ONLY shown on covers of anything in the 
hover position, and we all know how important that is(speaking of that , 
perhaps someone should mention to the self proclaimed #1 pattern supply 
place that perhaps a new photo would be in order to appease us-my personal 
choice would be of an Aries).
Perhaps a Pattern marketing effort could help, but "IMAC style" became 
popular because the magazines are all in a vicious butt sniffing mode to 
get out the latest reveiw of the NEW 60 sized IMAC type ARF-gotta be an 
ARF or no one will buy it right? Why this frenzy I have no idea, but it is 
not IMAC marketing (unless there is some serious under the table stuff-but 
I honestly think if anyone is paying money its gotta be the Chinese).

PS-what the RC world really needs the mags to do is give us one more 
review on the NEW .40 P-51 ARF, complete with genuine imitation exhaust 
stacks for more realistic runway fly-bys. Report on how the first take 
-off was...did it pull right and require left rudder-I gotta know.....

Just an opinion

Gray Fowler
Principal Chemical Engineer
Composites Engineering
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