K-Factor Pattern an invisible group

GeorgeF. av8tor at flash.net
Sun Nov 3 15:27:29 AKST 2002

At 06:13 PM 11/3/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>Good luck George..  I suspect you talking to the wall..  I have been talking
>and walking that walk for over 15 years and told I don't know what I'm
>talking about to the excuse that people just change to other expensive
>hobbies..  When I look at what attendance used to be like and the ratio of
>expense of pattern planes that were competitive in Dave Browns hands in
>relation to sport planes in that same time frame the expense has grown very
>different. Pattern costing much more to be competitive.
>      Del K. Rykert
>      AMA - 8928
>      NSRCA - 473
>      Kb2joi - General

You just have to say it over and over again each time using different words 
and different examples.   And someday maybe someone in power will see the 
light. Lets hope that happens before its too late.

I've been an admirer of Pattern since the late 70's when in high 
school.  Start flying R/C with the purpose of flying Pattern someday in 
1983.   Finally found some pattern friendly people in 1989 and start flying 
contests.   So I too have seen they way it was and the way it is when it 
comes to the ratio of money to fly and also the ratio of Pattern fliers 
.vs. AMA members which is not on a good track.

But until the people in power see and do something about it then nothing 
will happen.   Back in the early 90's there was a District VP who shared my 
views on this subject and tried to effect some change.


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