WAS - KFactor Now "Members"

Rick Sweeney rswee at carolina.rr.com
Sun Nov 3 08:37:34 AKST 2002

One forum could cover it all with listings by subject. As I stated
there is no development needed for a forum other than implementing to
your site. There are very good forums all over the net for free. Most
are based on technologies such as ASP or Java.

The forums should be read only for non-members. I cannot state this
strongly enough. Quite giving shit away!
You make an excellent point on the search engine comment and the forum.
That never occurred to me for some reason.


-----Original Message-----
From: discussion-request at nsrca.org [mailto:discussion-request at nsrca.org]
On Behalf Of GeorgeF.
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 12:18 PM
To: discussion at nsrca.org
Subject: RE: WAS - KFactor Now "Members"

Here's my thoughts.   As it is now keep the downloading of current 
K-Factors to members only.    Create two online Forums (very easy to do 
with WebBBS cgi scripts).  One for equipment and flying discussions
should be open to the public.  The second would be for NSRCA business
as politics, this being closed to the public.

With the equipment forum being open to the public it becomes an actual
of the website which means you have fresh content being supplied by the 
people asking and answering  questions.  Fresh content is what gets you 
recognized in search engines which in turn will draw more traffic to the

site.  More traffic means more people that potentially will get
in pattern and become members.

With the current system (emailing) none of our discussions become part
the NSRCA website therefore can never be found via search 
engines.   Example, if all the past discussions on 2 stroke pattern
such as the 1.60FX and so on were part of an online forum we would be
by anyone doing a search engine searchs on 1.60 FX's as well as other 
related terms.   There is a great amount of content that has been hidden
our email list which could have created a stream of new customers only
it were placed on the website.

Traffic means sales, sales means more members, more members means a
of people flying pattern.


At 11:51 AM 11/3/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I agree Marty, a portion of the site should be open to the public. But
>by all means, the bulk of the site should be restricted to Membership
>As far as the list goes, a forum could be created on the website. You
>could allow anyone to read the forum, but only members could
>i.e. submit questions and or comments.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: discussion-request at nsrca.org
[mailto:discussion-request at nsrca.org]
>On Behalf Of Martin X. Moleski, SJ
>Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 11:09 AM
>To: discussion at nsrca.org
>Subject: RE: WAS - KFactor Now "Members"
>--On Sunday, November 03, 2002 10:36 AM -0500 Rick Sweeney
><rswee at carolina.rr.com> wrote:
> > It has been my experience that whenever you give away anything for
> > free, it is never considered valuable or fully appreciated.
>That is a well-established principle in psychology and in
>Marketing 101.  People value what they pay for.
> > My recommendation would be to increase the dues,
> > and lock down this list and the NSRCA website
> > to paying members only.
>The dues are going down for next year: $30 for
>U.S. members.
>I think we want part of the website open to all
>visitors so that they can get some sense of what
>pattern is all about--especially beginners who
>want to test the waters.
>I'm not sure we want to close this list to
>newcomers.  We might want a separate, closed
>list for making NSRCA policy decisions.  Or
>have polls that are for NSRCA members only.
>But we have an image problem.  We're perceived
>as self-centered, stuck-up, and cold-hearted
>perfectionists, even though we know that we
>are not like that at all.  :o)  I think it might
>be good to leave this list open to all comers
>and to accomplish other goals using other
>techniques on the web site.
> > With the increase in dues you can start paying the
> > volunteers which will motivate them to keep things more
> > up to date and fresh, which will create a better overall
> > experience for everyone.........IMHO
>I've been part of the web team since the beginning
>as a pure volunteer.  I wouldn't mind getting a small
>honorarium for the work I've done--say, free dues,
>as the AMA seems to be doing with CDs. (Hmm, I just
>opened my renewal notice and it looks like I'm only
>getting a 50% reduction this year ... anyway, it's
>something.)  But I volunteered to work for nothing,
>and I'll continue to do so even if the membership
>doesn't think my time is worth anything.  :-O
>                                 Marty #2874 (AMA CD 5760)
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