WAS - KFactor Now "Members"

Rick Sweeney rswee at carolina.rr.com
Sun Nov 3 08:01:46 AKST 2002

Well the NSRCA is loosing money anyway from the lost membership who
have the perception that all they are paying for is the K-Factor. You
Lock down this list and the website and the perception suddenly changes

My dues gives me a K-Factor, a website with valuable information, and a
forum for submitting questions to knowledgeable readers and to
communicate with like minded individuals. 

-----Original Message-----
From: discussion-request at nsrca.org [mailto:discussion-request at nsrca.org]
On Behalf Of GeorgeF.
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 11:12 AM
To: discussion at nsrca.org
Subject: RE: WAS - KFactor Now "Members"

>My recommendation would be to increase the dues, and lock down this
>and the NSRCA website
>to paying members only.  There are many successful subscription web
>and lists out there now. If people
>find value in the  information, they are willing to pay for it.

Now you're starting to talk about something which is what I do for my
time income.  Yes, there are lots of "subscription" type websites which
doing well.  After all I make a nice income from the comfort of my home
I've created a few.   But unless you have a potential customer base of
least 500,000 potential customers you will loose money.

Here's a rule of thumb, take your potential customer base (what about 
100,000 AMA members?)  And take 1/10 of 1 percent (in the case of the
that would be 1000) and that is who would be interested in paying.  But
average only 30% of those interested will actually take the time to 
PAY.   In the above example I used the entire AMA customer base, but we
know that not the entire AMA customer base gives a rats ass about


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