WAS - KFactor Now "Members"

Mark Wendt wendt at kingcrab.nrl.navy.mil
Sat Nov 2 17:04:33 AKST 2002


At 11:34 AM 11/2/02 -0800, you wrote:
>Mark....I agree with Joe & Rick, but you don't need to.

         You're right, I don't need to agree with them.  And I don't.

>You can't drive 70 to 80 miles for a contest....hmmmm..I HAVE to drive
>50 miles each way just to fly at all...there many guys that I know that
>drive 300>500 miles EACH way for a 2 day contest..the Vegas & Phoenix
>guys have been doing this for the last 17 years that I know of and all
>them were well experienced in Pattern long before me!
>Oh...and every damn one of em' is a NSRCA member.
>They don't need to be a member...but they ARE!

         And I think that's great!  Some folks have the dedication/free 
time/money/lack of commitments that allow them to do that.  I don't.  I 
wish I did, but wishing won't make it happen.

>The K/F...yeah, it isn't what it once was re technical content for sure,
>one reason
>that I can think of is the internet...tech info does not seem to be sent
>to the K/F
>like it once was probably because it is considered old news by the time
>it gets into print.
>If the NSRCA member is not online....ooooh well!
>You don't need to be a NSRCA member to read this list and get that nice
>tech info.
>You save $38. Your Pattern expenses now = $00.00

         Except that 75% or more of the content on this list is NSCRA 
politics, rules proposals, and so on.  And this is a great forum for just 
that kind of thing, because of the feedback from so many folks that are 
interested in that sort of thing.  The technical content on the list is 
relatively small compared to the other topics that get discussed.  My 
pattern expenses have been $0.00 for almost two years now.  I haven't 
competed, practiced, or flown the pattern in quite a while for a number of 
reasons.  The biggest reason being our field being close due to the events 
of 9/11.  We have our club field located on a military base, and we weren't 
allowed back on the field until just recently.

>Perhaps NSRCA should ban ANY tech content on this list to encourage guys
>like you
>to rejoin....at least you would get your $38 worth of info that you get
>for free now...to
>say nothing of supporting NSRCA and Pattern in general with the $$$$ you
>saved in gas,
>motels, food, fuel, time you don't have because you don't practise or
>compete blaa BLAAAA
>on and on and on.

         Nope, I think this list is one of the best around.  But, since I 
don't fly much any more, the main reason I check in with the list, is to 
see and read posts from folks that I know.  Someday, I hope I get the bug 
back, and want to compete again.  Since I haven't built a plane in over 
three years, haven't flown in competition in over five years, and haven't 
practiced a schedule in almost one and a half years, I need to find my 
competitive center again.

>Mark...I apologise for the above...I didn't consider that you no longer
>fly at all so you have no
>need for the free technical info or NSRCA in general...you quit for the
>reasons that you mentioned.
>Are you still flying_in_the_fighter_community or what?
>Oh, never mind....you probably saved $38 on that too.

         I'm sorry if I offended your sensibilities in any of my posts.  We 
all have our reasons for doing things or not doing things.  I personally 
don't think it's any of my business worrying about what motivates you or 
anyone else to do what you do.  Your sarcasm certainly doesn't compel me to 
want to come back to the fold.

         Oh, by the way, the last thing you should ever do is make a 
sarcastic comment about someone's military service.  I've got over 2000 
hours of F-4 time under my belt, and I'm damn proud of the service I gave 
my country.  Were you ever in the military?  I wouldn't make comments about 
someone's service to their country unless you've been in their shoes, or 
have comparable experience.  It's opinions and attitudes such as yours that 
will drive people away.  I didn't see anything positive in your response 
that would make me interested in coming back into the fold, in fact, just 
the opposite.  I made no personal statements to anyone in my posts on the 
subject, yet you felt you had to come back straight at me with 
sarcasm.  Just remember, you get more flies with honey, than you do with sh*t.

>         All _the_Best

         Somehow, based on the tone of your post, I really can't believe 
you mean that.

>                 Dave
>                 NSRCA 586

AMA 255

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