Li-ion & Nimh

Adam Glatt adam.g at
Fri Dec 13 18:36:08 AKST 2002

"Now let's look at what benefit they really give you. Let's take, oh, lemme see....Duralite Plus is a good example for this analogy. For a typical pattern application, the pack to use is the 1900 mah pack. With regulator, it weighs between 4.5-5 ounces. How many flights do you get before recharge? 10 maybe? 
Now let's look at good ole archaic nicads. I have an SR 1100 pack in my plane. Weighs about 4 ounces (LIGHTER than the Duralites). I can get about 8-10 flights out of it, depending on what I'm doing. After that I'm baked anyway. Now this plane has 6 digital servos. And I have a 1600 pack here that weighs about 4 ounces as well.
So let me see. They are more expensive, they are heavier, and they are a REAL hazard at burning you to the ground. Hmmm.....I fail to see the advantage. Is it because they are the latest and the greatest? 
Someone enlighten me."

That isn't safety talk, Mike.

You stepped beyond the protection of constructive opinion and journalism.  Your personal vendetta against these technologies, and more specifically certain battery resellers, became clear in the email I responded to.

I can't make you drop it, Mike, and I can't be in charge of declaring whether or not your continued 'activism' is effectually useful, but I thought it was time for you to reivew your own posts on this discussion group and perhaps develop a new approach.

You did review, so my self-appointed task - which I thought would be in _your_ best interests - was successful, and I can be content with that.  My intrusion is complete.

(It says my name in the 'From:' field)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mike Hester 
  To: discussion at 
  Sent: December 13, 2002 11:03 PM
  Subject: Re: Li-ion & Nimh


  On second thought, it's not aiight. Not one bit.

  I haven't stepped beyond the protection of anything. And if I had, WHO CARES???? 

  Did I say something you didn't like? Or are you just "tired of it"? If you are, nobody is forcing you to read it. You'd be better served by keeping your comments to yourself, unless you have something of substance to add.

  Obviously, there's an issue to be discussed. A safety issue, among other things. Is there some reason you have for not wanting us to discuss it? 

  I'm sure there's plenty of others who feel the same way you do. That's fine with me, discuss whatever you want to and I can garauntee I won't be telling you to "drop it" in a roundabout way.

  But maybe, just MAYBE one person out there might read this and say "oh dang maybe I should be careful". And just MAYBE he will keep from losing his life. Would that be ok with you?

  Your attitude about this astounds me, it really does.

  Mike Hester

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Mike Hester 
    To: discussion at 
    Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 8:03 PM
    Subject: Re: Li-ion & Nimh


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