[NSRCA-dist8] 2021

Art Kelly afkelly25 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 10:07:04 AKST 2020

Fellow pilots,

Thanks to all who shared your thoughts on the D-8 2021 contest season. It's
good to see that in the face of the virus there is still a zeal to resume
our hobby.

John, Sean and I have conferenced to move to the next step. There are and
will likely remain for several months some unknowns for all of us. We
concluded that we should push ahead with the schedule that was circulated
earlier, with a couple of amendments. The district champions will be based
on the *four* best contests that a pilot compiles. And, if a pilot chooses,
one of those contests may include scores received at a non-D8 contest. The
District Championship contest will be held at Redmond which is the most
geocentric for WA,OR and ID. A review of the almanacs of weather in Redmond
for the past 10 years over the scheduled weekend show noon time temps in
the 70's. There may be winds, but nearly all of us have thrown our bodies
across our airplanes as gusts came through Redmond in the middle of summer.

The final details of our seasons have typically been ironed out at our
judging seminar. We'll take a vote then. If we find that we will not be
able to host a seminar we'll circulate the plan and ask our pilots to vote
by email. It's reassuring to know that D-8 will be in the very capable and
experienced hands of John Bentley.

The potential for a vaccine is now sitting out there on the horizon. But,
in the interim please be wise and safe.

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