[NSRCA-dist8] K-Factor

Patrick Harris harris7148 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 08:43:43 AKST 2016

Just a reminder. If you have been receiving your K-Factor as a hard copy,
when you renew your NSRCA membership, it resets back to electronic. You
have to go into your profile page and reset the option to Hard Copy. Here
is how you do it.

 Steps to complete:
1. Log in to www.nsrca.us with your User name and password
2. Once logged in, look on the left-hand side and click "Edit/View User
3. In the middle, on the top, right above your name, mouse-over "Edit" and
click on "Update your Profile"
4. In the middle click on the "NSRCA/AMA" tab
5. Next to "Hard-Copy K-Factor", select "Y" to receive the hard-copy
6. Scroll down to the bottom and click "Update"
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