[NSRCA-dist8] Contest and stuff

Patrick Harris harris7148 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 10:18:11 AKDT 2013

Greetings D8

Just a quick note to say I really appreciate all the help and effort put
into a great 2013 contest year.

I just received an email form Jim Hiller that reminded me to bug all the
CD's to try and get contest dates for next year set as soon as possible. I
know Gordon will appreciate it. As soon as you have your dates set, please
let me or Gordon know as soon as you can.

Remember we are going to be doing some Classic Pattern next year so
hopefully a bunch of balsa dust will be flying over the winter. I haven't
committed to a classic plane yet, but am looking at the Great Planes Dirty
Birdy ARF to convert to electric. Gary is way ahead of most of us with his
Chipmunk build underway.

Also remember Rex is in the process of getting F3A indoor going.

And last....please contact me direct if you have any suggestions for next
year. Input is good....the more the better.


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