[NSRCA-dist7] SAM 1 Day contest this Saturday-PreRegister

Jonathan Soda jonathan.soda at icloud.com
Wed May 15 21:14:38 AKDT 2024

Just a couple of days left before the 2024 Don Atwood Classic.  Looks like we'll have great weather, so if you haven't registered (or if you know someone that hasn't), please light the fire.  We are looking forward to a great weekend!
We'll run the normal AMA classes, then in the afternoon, we'll run EDF, Classic pattern, and Club class during Happy Hour.  If you haven't flown pattern before or you just want to come fly and get some coaching and support, join us for Happy Hour.  We should start Happy Hour around 2pm.
Register for the AMA classes here:  
https://nsrca.us/.../1142/-/don-atwood-pattern-contest <https://nsrca.us/index.php/list-events/eventdetail/1142/-/don-atwood-pattern-contest?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR15vLoJHM6Gs1fXWJlmZN60CCHxJCgf5Z0j7NWunUqJxh_3HssJXhzhlhw_aem_AQda61JIfY6qeA2l85B3H1IGe2SM1V0ufKLw6EdKENBEnYjygDVR8Qb4QA4w_HOEG8W6Uty8GltovR6Cgnr_7Ury>
We'll register for the Happy Hour on the day of the event.
If you have questions, email Russ Nichols russelljnichols at gmail.com

One thing of note, we don't have arrangements for lunch so come prepared with your favorite lunch pail.

Jonathan Soda

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