[NSRCA-dist7] OCMA Contest hotel info

steve hannah shannah1806 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 10:09:39 AKDT 2015

Hi everyone.

It was great seeing everyone at Hemet last weekend. Several of you were
asking for hotel info.  Here's a tripadvisor link showing the hotels in the

You'll probably find the lowest prices in Corona, which is about 10 miles
from the field.  There are lots of choices near the Irvine Spectrum and in
Lake Forest, which tend to be a bit more expensive and also a bit nicer.

I'll send out some driving details shortly.  The easiest is to rely on the
toll roads, but you don't have to.

Here are the GPS coordinates for the field: 33.7708722977, -117.695589271

As a reminder, here are a few notes:
1. The field is basically North facing, but angled such that the sun isn't
a real problem in the afternoon.  We can fly all day.

2. The runway is a concrete-like material called polypave. It is a
polymerized mixture of clay and soil that is hard as a rock.  No dirt in
the pits or runway

3. Bring your own EZ-ups.  There are embedded tie downs in the pit area.

4. I am working on overnight trailer/RV parking at the field, but right now
that is
available in the camping lot right next to the entry gate of the field.
That is 300 yards from the flight line.  I'll let you know if I can get it
approved for field access.

5. No Smoking

6. Wind direction generally favors Right to Left flying.

Don't forget to pre-register as soon as possible.

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