[NSRCA-dist7] Riverside 4/13 Update

steve hannah shannah1806 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 10:33:12 AKDT 2013

Here's the latest headcount based on pre-registration and email traffic:

Please be ready for pilot's meeting at 8am. We will start Round 1 with
Intermediate fliers off the end of the runway (flying east-west) so the sun
won't be an issue. We may run two rounds of Intermediate back to back on
that line. Then we'll rotate back to the normal flightline.

It is going to be very tight to get all the rounds in with the later
starting time we have. So, I am going to be creative with flight orders and
flight lines.

We will also need help scoring. I'll take volunteers.. but will draft
people if necessary.
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