[NSRCA-dist7] FAI: F sequence at local contests

Derek Koopowitz derekkoopowitz at comcast.net
Thu Mar 4 21:29:57 AKST 2010

Flame suit on.


Are we really ready to let our judges loose on an F schedule?   I'm serious
here. we have only a few very qualified judges that are capable of judging
these sequences and we're now going to ask them to judge an F schedule.
I've seen way too many F3A pilots fly out of the box without getting
penalized, radii not flown consistently and not being penalized, roles in
lines not positioned properly and not being penalized and then we're going
to ask these same judges to judge a sequence with 9 snaps, multiple elements
in a maneuver and expect the outcome to be fair?


I know I've just flipped this around into a judging issue but that's where I
believe it lies.  Several D7 pilots want to go to the Nats, but as we've
seen in past years, they have not been treated too kindly by the Nats judges
and that's because they consistently win or place well here without flying
the sequence the way it should be flown, and when they get to the Nats they
get hammered.


Find good and consistent judges for F3A and then I'd say we have a shot at
flying the P and F schedules and having an outcome that is fair.


And to answer your question, Jon. I intend to learn to fly the F sequence as
I think it'll make me a better pilot.  It'll take a long time before I even
consider myself contest ready with it since I'm only now starting to fly the
P sequence and I'm just concentrating on the 1st part of it at this time.
Will I be ready to fly F any time soon - no.  If the option is available to
fly F during a contest then I will more than likely take it provided that I
have practiced it and am comfortable with it.  That definitely won't be in
March, April or May I'm afraid. perhaps June onwards.  I think 4 rounds of P
and 2 of F would be good with the best 3 of P and the best F to count.  Now,
for those pilots that don't want to fly F - they can fly all 6 rounds of P
and count their best 4.  I do not think we should exclude anyone from


From: nsrca-dist7-bounces at lists.nsrca.org
[mailto:nsrca-dist7-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] On Behalf Of Jon Carter
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 5:56 PM
Subject: [NSRCA-dist7] FAI: F sequence at local contests


To:        D7 FAI pilots and those D7 pilots who are considering flying FAI
at a D7 2010 contest.


From:    Jon Carter NSRCA D7 VP


I am soliciting input from all D7 FAI pilots on the question of whether to
attempt to fly some F rounds at local contests. This is currently being
discussed on RCU (I have attached a link to the discussion)




I personally think that there are good points made on each "side" of the
discussion. I would like to get some feedback from all of you (D7 FAI
pilots) as to your preference. I know that not all of you read this list
either but I think that I have e-mail addresses for most of the current FAI
pilots and I know who you are! So, if I do not hear from some of you I will
be sending out some personal e-mails.


Let me state my initial assumptions:


1) We do this to have fun!           

2) At a local contest it is the CD's discretion as to how he runs the show.
The important thing is that any deviations from the "standard" format be
announced well in advance.

3) A set of D7 guidelines to assist a CD with this decision and a mechanism
to handle it would be a "good" thing.

4) It should never be mandatory to fly the F sequence at a local contest.
(This is strongly implied in the FAI rulebook)


Thanks guys, I look forward to hearing from you.


Jon Carter

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