[NSRCA-dist5] Weak Signals contest this weekend (Aug 4-6)

doublej34 doublejj34 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 07:12:16 AKDT 2023

Hello Bob,

Hope you all are doing well.   While I've been practicing some pattern
flying in between our Baseball tournament schedule, I'll not be able to
attend this weekend's event.    I had this one circled though on the
calendar to get back together with this group.

Best of luck to everyone,


On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 7:07 AM Bob Kane via NSRCA-dist5 <
nsrca-dist5 at lists.nsrca.org> wrote:

> Let me know if you plan on attending the Weak Signals contest this
> weekend.  If you responded to my Facebook post on the same topic, no need
> to reply.
> Thanks.
> Bob Kane getterflash at yahoo.com
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