[NSRCA-dist1] July 30-31 LVRCS Contest - Request for discussion and feedback

Dana Beaton danamaenia at me.com
Sun Jun 12 09:18:07 AKDT 2016

Dear D1 friends & members, there have been two significant developments since Andy Sabol and I put the July 30-31 LVRCS AMA Pattern Contest on the calendar quite some months ago.  First, recall that our plan was to offer a full 2-day, 6-round, AMA/F3A contest across two flight lines to fill the void left by Pocono (without a classic option, as classic had not proved to be popular the last 2 years running we offered it alongside AMA pattern at the LV).

So what has changed, you ask, and why should you care?

1. With the addition of the West End Wings contest to the D1 schedule in June, we now have a new contest in NE PA where we used to have Pocono.  While nothing will replace the Pocono contest we greatly enjoyed throughout the many years it ran; geographically speaking and on the calendar, Anthony Romano has filled a hole.  Thank you Anthony and West End Wings!

2. Today, Andy has communicated to me that the LVRCS President, Dale Hart, has committed to having classic pattern at the July contest at the expense of the full, 6-round AMA F3A contest that Andy and I have been planning and promoting within D1; potentially reducing AMA F3A to 4 rounds.  This intent appears to be a unilateral one coming from the LVRCS Officers, not Andy or myself. While not CD or co-CD with Andy (Dale Hart is), I am the guy who brought pattern contests back to the LVRCS a few years ago and it is YOU, all my D1 friends and fellow members who have made it possible to do so.  Thanks guys!  Alas I have no say in what Dale Hart and new LVRCS VP Stan Rauktis might do to the July pattern contest and this makes me quite sad.  What is more concerning is that the contest that Andy and I have been working towards for months is now is a moving target we have no control over.  Not good given that we are the guys who will do most of the work to run the contest!

It would greatly help us to have your feedback as contest goers to inform our next steps. Without getting into all the drama, there is now a lot of unwanted complexity that truly takes the fun out of doing all the work of running a contest.  Please help us by responding to some options.  Thanks in advance.

a) Was planning on entering the 2-day, 6-round, AMA F3A contest at the LV as described to date; please ask Dale Hart & Stan Rauktis to NOT change it.

b) The addition of West End Wings contest to the D1 calendar is enough AMA F3A pattern in NE PA, ok with me to cancel the July AMA F3A contest.

c) Could live with another 1-day, 4 round AMA F3A contest on Saturday, July 30th.  Would NOT care to continue on Sunday to fly Classic at the LV.

d) Could live with another 1-day, 4 round AMA F3A contest on Saturday, July 30th.  Would return to continue on Sunday to fly Classic at the LV.

e) Could live with another 1-day, 4 round AMA F3A contest on Saturday, July 30th.  Irrespective of a Classic offering or not, would NOT return on Sunday.

f)  Was NOT planning on attending the LVRCS AMA F3A contest, so do what you need to do without feeling bad about the impact on my pattern season.

The last thing I would want is that your pattern season is less fun because of what Andy and I decide to do next to cope with this mess.  Let us know!

Dana Beaton
District II Contest Board Representative

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