[NSRCA-dist1] D1 Scoring Team Update - LVRCS contest

Dana Beaton danamaenia at me.com
Mon Jul 18 08:53:49 AKDT 2016

We are now just north of 2 dozen pre-registered in MasterScoring for the LVRCS contest!

I have been working closely with CD Andy Sabol and co-CD Dale Hart, President of the LV, as they plan a great contest for us in 2 weeks.

We have two of our wives confirmed to enter scores all weekend: Both wives, both days!  I am also pleased to report that my wife actually looks forward to running score sheets for exercise, which will be a blessing.  With so many competitors and two flight lines, these fine ladies will be very busy indeed.  We will set them up under their own EZ-up apart from the “Pilots Lounge/dining area” (where we find shade and charge our LiPos) so they can work quickly, efficiently, and unbothered by our contest camaraderie.  That said, please do plan to let them be come contest day so they remain cheerfully  engaged in the work at hand.  Thanks in advance for your understanding.  (You may want to bring your generator if you have one with so many entered.)

All good things come in twos, not just flight lines or scorekeepers: Dale has updated his laptop with the latest in MasterScoring and has his printer ready to go.  We now have redundant scoring capability for the contest weekend with the D1 scoring computer that I provide and the laser printer Joe Lachowski has donated to D1.  Please remember to thank Joe for the printer donation next time you receive your printed Pilot’s Report!

But wait, there is more!  I am modeling flight order and judging assignments in advance so we have the best chance for an on-time start and finish with both flight lines running continuously and smoothly.  Your pre-registrations have been extremely helpful for Andy, Dale and I to plan well & ahead for a terrific contest weekend, please do keep me informed if your plan change in any way.  While I know from experience who usually arrives early, or can only stay for Saturday, if there is anything happing in your weekend that affects contest participation in some way, please do let me know and I will work around that while planning.  The extra information will help me keep pilots with their preferred callers most rounds, contestant judges seated according to their skill level judging, and minimize turns in the chair given the large contestant pool to draw from.  While this sounds like a lot of silly obsessive work, it is actually fun and I can see what a great weekend it can be if everybody can make it who is planning on coming!  Thanks for your updates & good flying!

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