[NSRCA-dist1] PatternScoring System

Ed Alt ed_alt at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 29 06:03:01 AKST 2015

 Meant nice move.  Stupid auto correct!

> On Nov 29, 2015, at 10:02 AM, Ed Alt via NSRCA-dist1 <nsrca-dist1 at lists.nsrca.org> wrote:
> Man, do you know how to party or what?!  Lol
> That's a nice nice, just messing with ya!
> Ed
>> On Nov 29, 2015, at 10:00 AM, Dana Beaton <danamaenia at me.com> wrote:
>> Good input from Joe.  To celebrate Cyber Monday, I’m getting a new Windows 10 laptop to run Master Scoring on.  We can use it for the LV contest and as a back-up at D1 contests.  We will have Joe’s donated printer as well.  That just leaves a few technology improvements to ponder, but the basics should be covered with some scorekeeper training in the New Year: Please let's put the D1 Scoring Team topic on the District Meeting agenda for Feb.
>> Happy Holidays
>> Dana
>>> On Nov 9, 2015, at 10:38 AM, JOE LACHOWSKI <jlachow at optonline.net> wrote:
>>> Need to get people to pre-register at least a week or so before a contest even if they are not 100% sure they are going to attend. It is easy to delete a pilot in the program. If you're not 100% sure, send the CD an email to let him know that for planning purposes. The CD's need there people as well as themselves to be proficient in running the program or at least familiarized/re-fmiliarized with it at least a month in advance. And someone else should come prepared with a backup laptop just in case or the CD should have a backup available. As a CD, I always prepared months in advance to avoid problems. The more people that pre-register in advance the easier registration is on contest day and makes it less stressful for a CD.
>>> Joe Lachowski
>>> On Mon, Nov 09, 2015 at 09:55 AM, Dana Beaton via NSRCA-dist1 wrote:
>>> Great conversation, thanks all!  What is looks like to me as the first D1 Scoring Team volunteer (feel free to pile on, err, volunteer to help in 2016):
>>> Printers:
>>> Sal reminds us that if they are not used, they may not work when we need them at a contest.  This suggests that CDs continue to bring their trusty printers to their contests.  That said, Joe has generously offered his printer to D1 as a back-up: D1 Scoring Team can bring Joe’s donated printer to contests, just in case.  A Win-win for D1!  I agree with Scott that a printer is basic equipment.  While pilot report PDFs can be mailed after the contest, just printing them out on the spot allows the CD’s job to end with the contest (and not have more work to do the next day at home).
>>> Monitors
>>> The thought of fitting a large monitor in the mini van amongst all the other stuff I bring to contests is not appealing.  Would suggest that a large display monitor be offered at the option of any CD who wished to provide one, and not become a D1 Scoring Team item. (Unless we have volunteers who would like to cart it around to contests next year?)
>>> Smart Phones
>>> May be the way to go if and when scores can be displayed in real time AND there is internet connectivity at the contest site such that scores can be uploaded from MS to server AND contestants can view a web page scoreboard.  Would solve a lot of problems if connectivity is not an issue. Thoughts?
>>> Laptops:
>>> THE core issue.  We have some in D1 that run MS well; and some not so much.  Apparently a clean installation on a relatively recent windows version is key.  A few of us at the LV have not had much success with older, legacy windows versions, so that makes sense.  This is both a local contest/CD issue, as well as a D1 issue, since an uncooperative laptop at any contest affects D1 members.  As Dave called out, last minute, one man (CD or scorekeeper) set-ups have not served us well last season and some preparation is prudent. What would a D1 Scoring Team solution look like? Any suggestions?
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