Gentlemen,<br> I have just published the October Kfactor online on our website. You will need to log in to obtain the electronic version. Two weeks ago, the Board of Directors unanimously passed a motion to upload the Kfactor to the website as soon as I am able to do it (or whoever publishes it in the future). We have been waiting to publish it until I receive the "extra" copies from the printer as it usually arrives prior to individual copies being received by a day or two. With the issues we've had getting the magazine to the printers due to allocation slots from them, we have decided to get the electronic version up as soon as possible. I receive the InDesign document much earlier in the month and can usually have it ready to publish to the website in a few hours.<br>
<br> Make sure to "Like" us on Facebook to get current information. The link is <a href=""></a><br><br>Regards,<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><b style="color:rgb(51,51,255)"><font style="font-family:comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="4">Scott A. McHarg</font></b><br>
Sr. Systems Engineer - Infrastructure<br><br>