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<DIV>Stall turns. I know the rules talk about the "track" of the model vs the heading (wind corrections). However, for stall turns, is the model supposed to be perfectly vertical at the moment the stall turn begins? Under the general stall turn description in the rules (page RCA-20), nothing is mentioned about heading, only "paths", so I would assume wind correction carries through the stall turn, such that if the plane is correcting for wind blowing from the left side of the plane, and the stall turn is performed to the left, then the heading change will be something less than 180 degrees. </DIV>
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<DIV>However, trying to look in other places for more specifics, I find the Double Stall Turn w/ 3/4 rolls, and the Figure M (RCA-22). In both, the downgrades list "Model not vertical at start and finish of rolls and stall turns". Hmmmm, "model" instead of "path". Also, "stall Turns not exactly 180 degrees". Confusing, at least to me.</DIV>
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<DIV>However, looking a little further at the "Stall Turn with/without rolls" description (RCA-29), it is specifically mentioned that downgrades include <FONT size=2>"Model track not vertical at start and finish of rolls and stall turn". I think the descriptions for these maneuvers need to be consistent. Which is correct? (I think the latter is the correct one). What is the consensus? Is it too late to enter a rules change proposal?</FONT></DIV>
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<DIV>Bob R.</DIV>
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