Thanks for the kind words. There is nothing in the 9303 transmitter menus (either XP or X) that would lead one to believe that the trainer button could be used for a momentary kill switch. In 2005 after messing up my carburetor one too many times because I hadn't notice the toggle switch was in the "kill" position, I start looking for a way to implement a momentary kill. I noticed that the XP manual on page A-10 for DeviceSEL had called the trainer button a "SNAP SW" not "BUTN" as in the transmitter menu. That gave me a clue.<BR>
I agree with you that a toggle should be used for a kill on an electric. For an electric you want a kill that stays a kill. There still are times I forget about the toggle that causes me to wonder why my electric motor doesn't respond to the throttle. But when that occurs, I don't have a carb to mess up.<BR>