<DIV style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif;"><DIV>Well I was able to get my re-built Focus 2 back in the air two week-ends ago. After the first engine start after the pancaked dead-sticklanding in 30+ winds the local club engine guy comes over and said he heard something. Sure enough the front bearing are bad. I am not sure if it was the pancake on the spinner that took out the firewall or just the sitting around during the re-build that killed it. I have just ordered a stainless bearing kit; how hard is the front bearing to take out? Do you need a bearing puller for this one?</DIV>
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<DIV>Anyway, Went home pulled the OS160FX out and put the OS140RX in and moved the battery forward a good bit. Went back out the next day and I think it flies better than ever. So the 140 is staying in the Focus2. With a 17X10 APC on a bolly 480 muffler it will go out the top of the box which is probably enough. Mixture does not seem to be a problem at all with this mild of a setup. Though I still think a 15.75X10 three blade would be the ticket.</DIV>
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