[NSRCA-discussion] Real flight with VR

Stuart Chale schale1 at outlook.com
Sat Nov 4 11:01:06 AKDT 2017

I have tried all of the sims and always ended up back with Real Flight.  
Luckily never went to Real Flight X which seems to have been a flop.

Most people complain that it is difficult to use a sim for pattern and 
the ability to see the box is the biggest limitation. For me to get it 
to work for pattern I set the zoom to auto zoom and made a custom 
version of Superstition Park air field with huge light poles in the 
distance in the center and 60 degree to each side.  The basic field has 
lines already on the runway.  Here is a video of last years Masters 
sequence on the field. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VRdglJ5RXc&t=2s

Still has limitations but basically works.  Certainly good enough to 
learn new patterns and maneuvers.  You eventually learn when center is 
coming up.  You can still get disoriented and end up way off track but 
it was the best I figured out.

Real Flight announced 8 with VR capability.  You can look around while 
flying.  Sounds like this is what we need :)

So a brief review :)

I purchased Oculus Rift to go along wit it.  One of the 2 high end VR 
headsets.  $400 with 2 sensors and its own handheld controllers.  To use 
it with a full 360 degree experience another sensor is needed $60.  A 
high end computer (mainly high end graphic card) is needed.  The other 
current high end headset is $200 more.

As far as Real Flight it works as advertised.  You can sit or stand and 
turn your head to follow your plane left and right just as you would at 
the field.  You can turn around and see the pits behind you, you can 
glance down and see the runway.  The problem is the resolution.  So far 
(haven't looked to see if there are any setting adjustments that can be 
used) it seems too low for our use.  The plane is just too blurry at the 
top of the box and in turnarounds.  Not impossible to fly but just not 
very good.  I still may use it but not sure.   Flying a heli right in 
front of you should work (already does), playing some games or sitting 
in the cockpit might be fun, not sure.

About the Oculus Rift itself with its own programs:  All I can say is I 
was blown away.  Totally immersive and much more impressive than I 
thought it would be.  If you have a chance to try one you should.

My wife scoffed at spending the money when she saw me looking at it  on 
Amazon and now will not let me return it :)


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