[NSRCA-discussion] Quick ping for interest...

Maureen Dunphy maureendunphy4 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 31 13:32:42 AKDT 2017

Sounds like a fantastic  offer.  Wish I was still more involved.

On Jul 31, 2017 12:44 PM, "Peter Vogel via NSRCA-discussion" <
nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org> wrote:

> Hey folks!
> After running the NATS scoring solo this past week, I think we have the
> basic ongoing use of the system at a contest pretty clean, the minor issues
> we had were due to some of the special conditions of the NATS (8 rounds of
> Masters, divided A/B flight groups and resulting inconsistencies between
> prelims and finals flight groups causing import errors, that sort of thing)
> and one weird windows user profile glitch that deleted master scoring from
> a laptop and took about 45 minutes to resolve one morning.  Running the
> system comes down to this:
> 1.  Getting it to a contest
> 2.  Setting it up (<1 hour)
> 3.  Making sure scoresheets don't blow away when they print
> 4.  Tearing the system down (<30 minutes), possibly both days, depending
> on security at the site and expected overnight weather.
> But I don't really want to run another NATS solo!  ~4 hours sleep per
> night is something I could do easily when I was 20, but not so easy now!  I
> realize the pilots here all want to focus on their NATS experience and the
> flying...
> *But there were a lot of wives there!  *And many seem to be involved with
> the scoring at your local contests on a regular basis (thanks again to Tim
> Pritchett's wife and Anne <last name forgotten in my fatigue) who helped
> with score entry due to the aforementioned windows glitch.
> So I'm considering making the following offer:
> For any district that has a system (or chooses to buy one), I'll come out
> to the city of your choice for a few days to treat any wives/GFs/etc. who
> are willing to commit to helping out with scoring in your district and/or
> the NATS next year to a spa day (massage and mani-pedi at a recommended spa
> in the area) and a 1/2-1 day of training on the setup and use of the
> scoring system.
> Districts, this would be, ideally, combined with perhaps a pattern clinic
> or judging seminar though that's not strictly necessary for the training...
> Wives on the list, respond with +1 if you would be interested.
> Husbands on the list, check with your wives/Girlfriends and respond with a
> +1 if they would be interested.
> Thanks!
> Peter+
> --
> Director, Fixed Wing Flight Training
> Santa Clara County Model Aircraft Skypark
> Associate Vice President, Academy of Model Aeronautics District X
> Treasurer, National Society of Radio Control Aerobatics (NSRCA)
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