[NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA Leadership / New Sequences - My thoughts - Long

John Gayer jgghome at comcast.net
Fri Jul 7 15:36:18 AKDT 2017

Let's try this one.

	Maneuver 	KF 	Exit 	
	Change maneuver to: 	New K 	new exit
1 	Takeoff 	1 				1 	
2 	Double Immelman with Knife Edge Flight inside loop then outside loop 
5 	Upright 	U 	Triangle Loop from top, 1/2 rolls on 45's, 1 1/2 snap on 
top leg, 	5 	inverted
3 	1/2 Loop with Integrated 1/2 Roll 	3 	Upright 	TA 	2 1/2 turn 
inverted spin 	3 	inverted
4 	Triangle Loop from top, 1/2 rolls on 45's, 1 1/2 snap on top leg 	5 
inverted 	D 	Double Immelman with Knife Edge Flight outside loop then 
inside loop 	5 	upright
5 	1/2 Square Loop with Snap Roll in down track 	4 	Upright 	TA 	Top 
Hat, 3 of 4 Roll up, 3/4 Roll down 	2 	inverted
6 	Six-sided Loop, 2 of 4 Rolls in leg 2, two 1/4 Rolls opposite in leg 
4 	4 	inverted 	U 	Six-sided Loop, 2 of 4 Rolls in leg 2 and 4 	4 	inverted
7 	Humpty Bump with Roll Options, 2 of 2 Roll up, Full Roll down; or 3/4 
Roll up and down 	3 	Upright 	TA 	Stall Turn with two 1/4 Rolls down 	2 
8 	Knife Edge Flight with 1 ¼ Roll in and out 	4 	inverted 	D 	Knife 
Edge Flight with 1 ¼ Roll in and out 	4 	upright
9 	Stall Turn with two 1/4 Rolls opposite up, 1/2 Roll down 	3 	Upright 
TA 	Stall Turn with two 1/4 Rollsup, 1/2 Roll down 	3 	upright
10 	Vertical Cuban 8 with 1/2 Roll, Full Roll 	4 	Inverted 	U 	Vertical 
square 8 from bottom,full roll at mid-level, 1/2 roll 2nd mid-level 	4 
11 	Trombone with Roll 	2 	Upright 	TA 	reverse shark, snap on 45 	4 
12 	Golf Ball with 3/4 Rolls and Knife Edge Loop 	4 	Upright 	D 	Golf 
Ball with 1/4 Rolls and Knife Edge Loop 	4 	inverted
13 	Top Hat, 3 of 4 Roll up, 3/4 Roll down 	2 	Upright 	TA 	Humpty Bump 
push top, 3/4 Roll up and down 	2 	upright
14 	Figure Z with 4 of 8 Roll in 45 	4 	Inverted 	U 		4 	
15 	Inverted 2-turn Spin	2 	Upright 	TA 	1/2 square loop with full roll 
2 	upright
16 	Two Slow Rolls opposite, no hesitation 	4 	Upright 	D 		4 	
17 	Stall turn with half rolls up and down 	2 	Upright 	TA 		2 	
18 	Loop with Integrated Roll in top 180 	5 	Upright 	U 		5 	
19 	Landing 	1 				1 	
	Total K-factor 	62 				61 	

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