[NSRCA-discussion] Hardcopy K-Factor

Tom Simes simestd at netexpress.com
Wed Jan 4 13:52:38 AKST 2017

On 01/04/17 12:37, David Harmon wrote:
> Tom...that is an interesting twist that I had not considered....but then I
> have always been a proponent of a 'members only' email list.
> However....I like the idea of letting other modelers know of our long term
> existence....but not to give away the farm.
> Perhaps a second email list for NSRCA members could be considered for K-F
> push distribution only....keeping the open 'chat' list as it is that does
> not support attachments.

As far as list server support, I'm more than happy to accommodate 
whatever the community and BoD decides to do.  A minor point of 
clarification, the current NSRCA list configuration does allow 
attachments, but is size limited to 500 KB per message per community 
request.  Note that the request dates from when dialup was still common 
and people didn't want to wait 10 minutes to download a single message.

That limit is easily configurable and I would have no issue bumping it 
up to allow low resolution .pdf distribution of the K Factor either on 
the existing -discussion list or on a dedicated list for K Factor 


    "Z80 system stack overflow.  Shut 'er down Scotty, she's
          sucking mud again!" - Error message on XENIX v3.0

Tom Simes                                       simestd at netexpress.com

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