[NSRCA-discussion] Hardcopy K-Factor

David Harmon k6xyz at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jan 4 12:53:54 AKST 2017

I would like to add that I have been a continuous member since 84' and have
every copy of the K-F since then.
I am pretty sure that most of the members have saved them too.
But....now I am running out of space for them.
However....unlike the AMA mag that goes in the trash the same day......I'll
never toss the K-F copies that I have saved before I changed to on-line

I must say that I have never had some of the computer or lazy problems that
have been mentioned.
My browser remembers the log-in info so all I do is go to the site and hit
log in....and it does.
As far as printing the issues.....I don't. if I read something that I want
to be sure I remember or have handy....I just print that one page.
Also....you can do a word search on a .pdf document...if you want to search
for some word...just hit CTRL F then put in the word you are looking for and
then hit return and the whole document will be searched.
Pretty easy and avoids reading the whole thing when in search of something

David Harmon
AMA 5053
Sperry, OK

-----Original Message-----
From: NSRCA-discussion [mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] On
Behalf Of David Harmon via NSRCA-discussion
Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2017 3:38 PM
To: 'Tom Simes' <simestd at netexpress.com>; 'General pattern discussion'
<nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Hardcopy K-Factor

Tom...that is an interesting twist that I had not considered....but then I
have always been a proponent of a 'members only' email list.
However....I like the idea of letting other modelers know of our long term
existence....but not to give away the farm.
Perhaps a second email list for NSRCA members could be considered for K-F
push distribution only....keeping the open 'chat' list as it is that does
not support attachments.

David Harmon
AMA 5053
Sperry, OK

-----Original Message-----
From: NSRCA-discussion [mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] On
Behalf Of Tom Simes via NSRCA-discussion
Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2017 2:53 PM
To: Matthew Finley <rcfin02 at msn.com>; General pattern discussion
<nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Hardcopy K-Factor

On 01/04/17 11:48, Matthew Finley via NSRCA-discussion wrote:
> Just my thoughts..... What is the harm in non NSRCA members being able 
> to
view a K-factor ? It may help promote pattern, and in the end, isn't that
what we are trying to do ?

I was thinking the same thing - particularly for the electronic copy. 
In addition to promoting the hobby, distributing it to non-NSRCA members
also broadens the exposure for advertisers.


    "Z80 system stack overflow.  Shut 'er down Scotty, she's
          sucking mud again!" - Error message on XENIX v3.0

Tom Simes                                       simestd at netexpress.com
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