[NSRCA-discussion] D I Contest

Jim Quinn jaqfly at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 07:16:49 AKDT 2017

Great News:

D I's August 12/13 contest will be hosted by the Mohawk Valley Firebirds.
The Firebirds are excited to add an aerobatic contest to their summer
flying schedule.
Currently they host a big Jet Rally and a huge FunFly.
They have many enthusiastic members willing to help.
They are at a small full scale airport.
Runways are 13/31. 3000' X 60' paved.
There is also a smaller grass runway for R/C, but we will also be using the
paved runway.
Approaches are  vast and the fly over area is clear.

Check out their website at mvfirebirds.com.

I hope to have our best local contest yet at the firebirds.

Jim Q
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