[NSRCA-discussion] Indoor Pattern- going to NEF? Give it a try.

tocdon at netscape.net tocdon at netscape.net
Wed Mar 9 16:49:50 AKST 2016

Next weekend there will be an indoor pattern contest in Akron, OH.   There will be Sportsman, Intermediate, Advanced and F3P classes flown.

If you have been thinking about giving indoor pattern a try- now's the time!

Friday evening will be practice and there will be folks there to help all weekend.

The size of the area is relatively large and the sequences are easy enough to fly through.  I'd love to see some UMX Extra's competing in Sportsman.

Looks like Advanced and F3P are shaping up to have some real competition with some up-and coming superstars trying out their spars in Advanced.

More information on the NEF event and pre-registration link at: http://ohioelectricfly.com/f3pindooraerobatics.html and the NSRCA website regarding sequences and rules.

If we break 20 competitors I heard a rumor of prize money.


"F3P competition had a direct impact on my performance at the F3A World Championships"- Joseph Szczur

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