[NSRCA-discussion] Matt Finley - D4

Verne Koester verne at mi.rr.com
Wed Feb 19 17:06:59 AKST 2014

Hi Matt,
I'm tentatively planning on being there Friday afternoon and would be happy to sit in for a while. Put me down for 2-3. If anything keeps me from being there, I'll be sure to let you know. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 19, 2014, at 7:51 PM, Matthew Finley <rcfin02 at msn.com> wrote:
> Hello All !
> With the 2014 Toledo Show getting close, I want to try and put together a tentative NSRCA booth worker list. I will be there early Thursday morning to set-up the booth, and place my plane on the table. I plan on being at the booth for a majority of the time, but do want to see the show here and there as well. Below are the times I plan on working the booth, so please e-mail me back with a day and time you would be able to volunteer your time for an hour or so. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will e-mail you back once I get the schedule together after everyone e-mails me their available time. I understand this is tentative, but at least it will be something for me to go from. PLEASE RESPOND ASAP, SO THAT I DONT HAVE TO WAIT TILL THE LAST MINUTE. 
> Thursday - Set-up - Matt Finley 
> Friday - 8-11: Matt Finley
>               11-12:
>               12-1:
>               1-2: Matt Finley
>               2-3:
>               3-4: 
>               4-close: Matt Finley
> Sat -      8-11: Matt Finley
>              11-12:
>              12-1:
>              1-2: Matt Finley
>              2-3:
>              3-4: 
>              4-close: Matt Finley
> Sun -    8-11: Matt Finley
>              11-12: 
>              12-1:
>              1-close: Matt Finley
> Matthew E. Finley
> Key-Note Piano Tuning and Service
> (614)272-2604 Business
> (614)557-3846 Cell
> Key_note_piano at yahoo.com
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