[NSRCA-discussion] Virtual Caller for iOS

Peter Vogel vogel.peter at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 13:54:20 AKST 2014

Try again Charlie, sorry about that, I think Apple applied the pricing
change a little sooner than I'd planned.

Still, all profits go to the F3A/F3P teams!


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Charlie Rock <charlierock at me.com> wrote:

> Tried to download said being modified try again later?
> Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government
> when it deserves it!!!
> Mark Twain
> On Dec 8, 2014, at 3:56 PM, Peter Vogel via NSRCA-discussion <
> nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org> wrote:
> Given that every sequence is changing for next year, it seems a good time
> to introduce people to the virtual caller application I listed on the Apple
> App Store yesterday:
> Video of it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOEfi3VqnCQ
> Get it on the Apple App Store: https://t.co/aIBFvQBsuI
> Available now for a limited time at $1.99, price will increase soon to
> $2.99 This will work with every iOS device out there -- iPod touch, iPhone,
> iPad Mini, etc. (though I wouldn't want to put an iPad on the bottom of my
> transmitter to use the tilt control!) but the screen format is optimized
> for iPhone/iPod touch.  You will need to be on the network the first time
> you run so it can download the sequences from the cloud.
> *All profits go to F3A Team USA* -- if you are Canadian and buy it, shoot
> me a note and I'll apply profits from your purchase to *F3A Team Canada*!
> If you prefer the donation to go to F3P Team USA, shoot me a note and I'll
> apply the profits to *F3P* :-)
> I*'ll add $1.00 per review of the app that hits the app store this week
> to my donation!*  Be sure to mention in the review if you fly/support F3A
> or F3P (or both).
> This is the product of 100's of hours of development, not so much because
> the app is complex or hard (it wasn't) but getting a method of controlling
> the caller that works in field conditions took a lot of trial & error.
> Your feedback is welcome!
> Peter+
> --
> Director, Fixed Wing Flight Training
> Santa Clara County Model Aircraft Skypark
> Associate Vice President, Academy of Model Aeronautics District X
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Director, Fixed Wing Flight Training
Santa Clara County Model Aircraft Skypark
Associate Vice President, Academy of Model Aeronautics District X
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