[NSRCA-discussion] Help!!! Lipo recovery advise requested

Peter Vogel vogel.peter at gmail.com
Mon May 20 06:29:00 AKDT 2013

I've gone without balance taps and dialed the cell count down on the charger so that it would start the charge process and watched things like a hawk and kept the pack in a ceramic pot with a lid until I got the voltage up high enough that it would start a balance charge for the correct cell count. (Had to start at 2S for a 6S pack!) then I had the charger cycle the packs 4 times with a max draw of 3A on a 45C 5000 pack.   I've flown that pack about 10 times now in my Splendor and it seems healthy though the IR is slightly higher than one would expect for a pack that has effectively 15 cycles on it, I usually need to put a pack through 50 cycles before the IR hits that level.  

For people who don't use arming plugs, this is what happens when you power up the ESC but don't give it a radio signal to keep it 'disarmed', get called in for dinner and forget about it being plugged in for 8 hours!  The ESC discharged the 6S pack to 6v by the time I snapped awake in the middle of the night and ran down to unplug the pack!

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On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 7:16 AM, null <Snaproll4 at aol.com> wrote:

> Mike,  I flew a pack twice at a contest.  Well, at least I tried  to until 
> the 5th maneuver.  I ended up putting 5150 mah back into a  5000 pack.
> Using a nicad charger for a little while might work(15  minutes).   I 
> hooked up my TP1010 without the balancer for 15  minutes.  I then plugged in the 
> balancer only for a while and eventually  the 1010 hooked up and I'm still 
> flying the pack after 45 flights.
> Steve Miller
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