[NSRCA-discussion] De Ja Vu

Scott McHarg scmcharg at gmail.com
Mon Jul 29 12:46:37 AKDT 2013

I have decided to sell my De Ja Vu.

CA Models De Ja Vu w/ Split Rudder
Futaba 9650 servos on Elevator and Rudder (Each elevator half and each
Rudder half have a servo)
Futaba 9151 servos on Ailerons
NEU Motor 1513/2Y
Hyde Soft Mount
Redundant Tech-Aero adjustable voltage PLR5 regulators
Castle 85HV ESC
CA Models Carbon Spinner

$2700 RX ready

$2000 Plane and servos

$1500 Plane only

Plane weighs 3627g WITHOUT any batteries (Flight or RX batteries)

Model was assembled in 2011 by Todd Blose. It took 2nd at the Nationals in
Advanced that year and won District Champion. The plane has approximately
400 flights on it and is in great condition. Bryan Hebert personally set up
the plane for me which greatly improved the flight characteristics.
Fuselage painted by Hydesigns. Wings and stab are film covered.

Would prefer local delivery and willing to drive a reasonable distance to
meet if needed. I can ship the plane but buyer pays actual costs. I have
the original shipping crate but that would mean the rudder would have to be
cut off to ship it in the original container.

Feel free to call me at 979-595-7990 or email me off list.


*Scott A. McHarg*
Sr. Systems Engineer - Infrastructure
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