[NSRCA-discussion] 2013 NATS Update.

Archie Stafford astafford at md.metrocast.net
Sat Jul 6 09:31:31 AKDT 2013

Here is an update for those coming to Muncie.  The banquet will be 20.00
per person and will be held at Kacy J's in Muncie.  They are shutting down
the place for us on Wednesday evening and you will have a choice of Prime
Rib or Chicken, 3 sides, dessert, tea, or soft drink are included in the
price.  There will be a cash bar on site.  Advanced and Intermediate
awards will be handed out at the banquet.  FAI and Masters flight orders
will be drawn at the banquet.   The banquet is not mandatory, but no one
without a ticket will be allowed in.  If you don't want to go, your award
will be available after the banquet.   FAI unknowns will be the last thing
done at the banquet and any FAI pilot not wishing to attend can wait
outside and as soon as the banquet is complete, we will give them their
unknowns.  After last year, when we had many people eat who did not
purchase a ticket, this is the only way we could do this.  There will be
an auction for the US Team at the banquet as well.  I know there is a
Contra system, a Futaba 14SG and the list could still grow by the time we
get to Muncie.

All schedules for pilots and such, including flight orders, judging
assignments and such will be available on the NSRCA website later this
week.  ABSOLUTELY NO packets will be handed out on site until Sunday.  The
AMA check in area will not be open on Saturday, so you wont be able to
check in until Sunday.  You can check in anytime up to the pilots meeting
at 5:30.  A courtesy weigh in will be available at the museum from 12-2
for anyone interested.  Once again, this year, every airplane will be
weighed at some point after a flight.  Also, this year, we do not have a
designated practice day, but most like we will have the sites on Sunday at
some point during the day.  We are going to STRICTLY enforce that pilots
practice on sites they will be flying.  This means, FAI and Masters can
fly on Sites 1 and 3, and Intermediate and Advanced will be flying on Site
4.  THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.  We have had problems with guys not
getting to fly on their sites because others are flying there.  Usually it
is upper class guys flying on Site 4.

Everything is coming together nicely, and we should have a great time.

See everyone in Muncie,


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