[NSRCA-discussion] 2013 NATS dates

Derek Koopowitz derekkoopowitz at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 13:40:05 AKST 2013

My suggestion would be that ALL the competition pilots from all disciplines form their own competition organization (same/similar structure to the AMA but is NOT a part of the AMA) and its focus is only competition.  This has been done very successfully in other countries where these "competition" organizations then join CIAM and represent their competition pilots.  The AMA can then go back to supporting their bread and butter... The everyday pilot.

It is very evident that the AMAs direction does not favor the competition aspect of our sport.  As the CIAM rep for F3 aerobatics I will not be attending any future meetings with our international peers because the AMA will not be paying for me to travel.  We're essentially isolating ourselves - the only attendees going are the CIAM rep from the AMA and their alternate - they will be tasked with attending 4 or 5 concurrent committee meetings this coming April and then voting on rules proposals etc. at the plenary meeting.  Sounds like a great way for us to lose our influence in competition.  The AMA have said that I can attend if I pay my own way or have the SIG pay my way. 

We're the largest competition segment of our international peers but we'll end up with little to no influence in the upcoming years.

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 25, 2013, at 4:18 PM, Bill's Email <silentav8r at cox.net> wrote:

> The RC Soaring guys got their main event, Open, placed on the 4th of July. All of this shuffling was done to accommodate IRCHA, which draws over 1,000 people to Muncie. The current EC has clearly shown they have zero commitment to any kind of competition events.
> Keep in mind that there is not a thing in the world stopping NSRCA, or any other SIG, from letting their AMA SIG status lapse and then go their own way. Write your own rules, run your own NATS when and where you see fit, and no longer have to deal with the AMA for rules changes.
> As far as Team Seelctions go, many other SIGS do theirs separate from the NATS. F3B, F3J, F3K, F3F, and many others just do their own selection.
> Just food for thought
> Bill in OC
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