[NSRCA-discussion] FW: The America's Best RC Sale Starts Today!

Jon Bruml jon at techstyles.com
Mon Apr 15 07:44:16 AKDT 2013

-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Pesch [mailto:cpesch at hobbico.com] 
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 8:06 AM
To: Carol Pesch
Subject: The America's Best RC Sale Starts Today!

Consumers have from April 15th, 2013 through June 30th, 2013 to partake of
this fabulous yearly sale!  Everything from cars, boats, airplanes, helis,
RealFlight and electronics goes on sale with big savings during this time
frame.  Anyone who has been thinking about buying an R/C product to "get
started in the hobby", has no excuse now. Modelers who've been in the hobby
for years, can now "branch out" into a new R/C area or pick up something
they've been waiting to get but might not have been able to afford.  June
30th will roll around quickly so consumers should get to their hobby stores


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