[NSRCA-discussion] 2M Monolog - YS 140DZ Setup - Your thoughts?

Larry Diamond ldiamond at diamondrc.com
Thu Nov 29 07:20:53 AKST 2012

After a few years absence from Pattern, I'm once again looking to jump back in with a 2M Pattern Plane. Here is my 5 of 12 days of Christmas...
5 - 0 The Golden Years (51 now... Holy crap... I'm catching up to RVP)
4 - Divorces Later
3 - DZ Engines
2 - Monologs
and a Partridge in a Pair tree....
The 2M Monolog is a plane I have been looking at since the first thread started...
I don't have time for a kit build, so I'm looking for a good flying ARF... 2M Monolog has my interest and I plan to get two for next season...

Mike M. said there are some 2M Monologs flying in D4 with this set up.

I would like to hear from folks with a YS 140DZ set up... The good, the bad, and the ugly...

I'm not interested in electric right now. I have all the hardware with back up... LOL... for a 140 DZ setup.

Larry Diamond
Owensboro, KY (D4)
NSRCA 3083 (I think thats it... been awhile...LOL)
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