[NSRCA-discussion] Rules Proposals

John Ferrell jferrell13 at triad.rr.com
Tue Mar 13 07:22:22 AKDT 2012

There comes a time when playing the game takes more time, money and 
patience than an individual cares to spend.
When it is no longer fun, our attention drifts off to other activities. 
Many tire of honing the same maneuvers hours and days on end when they 
would like to try something different.  For some it is one expensive 
crash too many. Then there is the quibbling over nits in the rules all 
the time. As children and grandchildren grow up one realizes that there 
are things more important than playing the game.

The weight limits are for serious competitors, not for the casual 
flyer.  If you have enough contestants to meet the needs of the game, 
don't worry about it, follow FAI. If you need a higher level of 
contestant participation, it will be necessary to market the game as 
though it were a product. The last year that I hosted Pattern Contests 
it was obvious that I would be better off not buying trophies for the 
class. I don't know what the situation is now but it had come to Masters 
and every one else in my district. Then Masters decided they did not 
want to be judged by anyone below their class.

I discovered that busting balloons with a Kaos  was just as much fun and 
I could build them faster than I crashed them. I could have fun without 
ignoring the rest of the world for a lot less money. I had time to 
fiddle with foamys, attend Soccer Games and go to church with the family 
on Sunday mornings.

The decision was made a long while back that the goal for NSRCA was to 
support International Competition in the US.
If that is still the goal, just take their rules and go with them. If 
there is a change in goals get someone savvy in Marketing and design the 
program from where you are to where you want to be and how and when you 
plan to get there.  I think it was Einstein that said  "A fool with a 
plan will beat a genius without a plan".

As Buddy, Bob Richards and others have pointed out, the organization is 
in a loop that appears to me to resemble a downward spiral.
The weight issue is not a problem, it is a symptom!

On 3/13/2012 10:10 AM, Anthony Romano wrote:
> So if FAI drives pattern, why do we want to change the weight rule in 
> the US?
> Anthony
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

John Ferrell W8CCW
Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910), Pudd'nhead Wilson (1894)

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