[NSRCA-discussion] Calling District 4 Champions

lmorgan at mi.rr.com lmorgan at mi.rr.com
Mon Dec 3 15:32:14 AKST 2012

Hi Anthony,

Sorry I didn't get to this sooner.... just got back on the email.  Thanks your for taking care of it!


---- Anthony Abdullah <aabdu at sbcglobal.net> wrote: 
> I am looking for contact information for the 2012 D4 champions. I need to submit 
some particulars so the T-Shirt order can be placed. If anyone has contact 
information for the following people please send it to me offline as soon as 

I need a phone number or email address for the following people:

Lynn Morgan
Mike Gaishin
Brenner Sharp

If you are one or all of these people (that would be one hell of a trick) please 
send me the following information:

-Name as you want it to appear on the shirt
-Size preference
-Color (black or white)

Thank you
aabdu at sbcglobal.net

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