[NSRCA-discussion] Some info on WC pilots and a BIG THANK YOU to Dave

tocdon at netscape.net tocdon at netscape.net
Mon Aug 1 19:19:33 AKDT 2011

I posted some picture and bios of all the pilots.  You can see their ages and some biographical details on one screen shot pictues from the pamphlet.

Last page of RCU page "world championships experience"  

I think we would be all remiss if not to offer A BIG thank you to Dave Guerin,  HIS WIFE, and all the staff and volunteers that made this event success possible.  I made some close friends working day-by day, hour by hour (Earl, Andre, John, Ron, Dave, Ron L, Jerry, Joe, Tim, and others) in the "greenhouse" this week and got to meet and greet every single competitor.  This was a very well run event and we should be proud to have been the sponsoring country this year.  Someone remarked to me at the field afterward that  they would not see another World Championships again before they die. It could be 20 years or so.  This was a real treat, definitely a learning experience and for some an eye opener to the variety of different models, flying styles and equipment. I love the expression on Brandon Landry's face when he got out of his car after driving so many hours and we stood next to each other and watched Gerhard Mayr fly.   One thing in common is we all compete together in the largest and most prestegious RC aerobatic event in the world- pattern..  Thanks all.

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